CAESY Dental Patient Education Systems
The CAESY Dental Patient Education System is a collection of dental patient education topics with 300 video topics and 200 printable topics. Topics cover anything a patient could ask about, including dental conditions, dental procedures, a wide variety of materials and methods, and post operative instructions.
CAESY Media Server
We use CAESY Media Server in our office so all of our computers can present the full collection of CAESY topics. All of the treatment rooms have dual computer screens where we can show patients their x-rays, dental chart, and CAESY videos. Patients often enjoy learning about choices for dental care, more about a procedure they are about to receive, or to get post operative instructions.
We use CAESY Cloud to provide CAESY content on guest computers in our office, because guest computers are on a dedicated network that is separate from our patient record system. We also use CAESY Cloud to provide selected video topics on this web site.
Dr. Collins has been associated with CAESY, the leading provider of dental patient education in the world, since the early 1990's. He serves on the Content Advisory Committee, and has helped to produce a significant number of features, helping with creating topics, editing, and sharing our office for video production. This is important to Dr. Collins in his effort for oral health advocacy, which also includes political action, media appearances, and software development.